Attendance and Punctuality

For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education, it is vital that they attend school regularly and every child should be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless they have an unavoidable reason to be absent. Any absence affects the pattern of a child’s schooling and regular absence will seriously impact on their learning.

Absence or late arrival also disrupts teaching routines and so may impact on the learning of others in school.

Research shows a direct link between attendance and attainment and good attenders also make better progress socially, learn to work with others, and are better prepared for the transition to secondary school.

If your child is going to be absent, parents/carers must inform school as soon as possible and at the latest by 8:50am on the first day of absence by sending a message to the school or calling 01995 603454.

If you need support in this area or have any questions, please speak to our pastoral leader: Lee Baker 01995 603454 or



It is a legal requirement for parents/carers to obtain the permission of the headteacher before removing their child from school in order to take a holiday during term time. Parents/carers do not have an automatic right to take their children out of school for holidays during term time and may be issued with a Penalty Notice (£120 per parent per child) if they do so without prior arrangement with the headteacher.

Please note leave in term time is only authorised in exceptional circumstances (for example a regional/national sporting competition or a day to attend a close family member’s wedding etc.) but not for holidays.  Attendance of all children is regularly monitored by our office team, Mr Baker and Mr Blakely.  Penalty notices will be sought in cases where there is persistent and/or prolonged absence. Persistent absence is when a child’s attendance is at or below 90%.


Holidays in term time leaflet v1.0 – from Lancashire County Council

Holiday Request Form (V7 – Dec 15)

View our 02046_Attendance Policy 2023-2024